Monday, December 15, 2008

The Face of the Enemy - Webisode 2

OK, to indulge in more useless speculation - lavender Sharon is NOT good. She is very very creepy and the paranoia has been upped a notch. IMHO there is a 50% chance she is Boomer. Of course, I thought that Boomer died on the hub, but since we didn't see a body, we don't have definitive proof.

I am also wondering if Gaeta thinks he imagined lavender Sharon talking to him, especially once the raptor pilots start talking about the consequences of oxygen deprivation.

It also seems to me that black Sharon seems to be a straight talker, a quality I always liked in Athena.

Another good acting moment, when Hoshi says, " and Felix...." and Tigh just squints slightly and you realize that this is news to him. Such a slight facial movement, but it makes everything going on in Tigh's mind completely clear. Pretty impressive.

It also occurs to me that Gaeta's first (and only) scene with Hoshi is one of the few times that Gaeta seems to let down his guard. 

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