Thursday, December 18, 2008

Webisode 3

Things are certainly getting creepier onboard the raptor. The really interesting part at this point is what kind of relationship Gaeta had with lavendar 8 (who is probably not, but not definitively not) Boomer - another seemingly reasonable guess bites the dust. Black 8 is dead, so I guess we are not going to get any kind of good Sharon / bad Sharon dichotomy. Oh well.

So what exactly did Gaeta do back on New Caprica? Did he give names over to the Cylons? Did he, as Baltar said at the end of Season 3, try to play both sides against eachother? Who is this Sharon and what distinguishes her from all the other Sharons?

I am inclined to dismiss what Baltar said out of hand because, during his meeting with Gaeta in his cell, it is obvious from his expression that he has just figured out that Gaeta was passing along information to the resistance. Anything he says after that is done solely to gain a tactical advantage, and therefore not trustworthy per se.

The webisodes have already told us twice that increased CO2 can wreak havoc with the brain, including paranoia, memories, etc. My "something's not right" alarm went off because in this "memory" that is set on New Caprica Gaeta has white hairs at the temples, but on New Caprica his hair was completely black. So - is there something wrong with this memory?

I am, of course, a big Gaeta fan. So if Gaeta did something morally ambivalent he didn't do it to protect himself, or for any kind of personal advantage. On the other hand, this is the first we are hearing of this - and it appears to be a secret Gaeta has kept - so is he ashamed? In addition, a list of names SEEMS to be handed over - is one of these names seeking revenge (for what?) and responsible for what has happened on the raptor?

Another paranoia point - the grip that is missing from the pliers - Gaeta (and everyone else) seems to think they were intentionally taken off (am I understanding this correctly?). I have, however, replayed the section where the pliers are taken out of the tool case, and I cannot find a good view where I can see that the pliers had the grips on in the first place. So is this paranoia and it was really an accident? Or, was it deliberate and not an accident.

I might add that in the realm of pure logic Galactica tends to fall down on a regular basis. Things happen all the time that can't really be explained. You just have to accept it and go with the flow because it contributes to plot and character development. 

More to come - unfortunately next Webisode is not for another 5 days. 

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